Jun 30, 2020

More to Love: Introducing New Benefits for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Subscriptions

Today we’re introducing even more ways to help creators reward their Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers with more digital goodies to proudly share their support on Twitch. 

It all starts with powering up the go-to feature for brand building: emotes. Partners will now have 4 more emote slots per tier for Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers by default. That means more opportunities for creators to show off their creativity and more ways to let higher-tier subs further stand out in their community. 

 Get a first look below at the new emotes from /NickEh30, /Sacriel, /TheNo1Alex, /Halocene, /DjTechLive, and swing by the channels of: Chillbo Bagginz, Elix, FireDragon, GameAttackTeam, Klean, lilsimsie, MatthewkheafyNinja614, NorthernLion, PVPX, thedragonfeeney, TheHungerService to gander their newest creations up now. Then be on the lookout for the millions more making their way onto Twitch!

Secondly, Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers can dress those special emotes up with unlimited access of Partner selected modified emote filters. Partners can choose from Grayscale, Horizontal Flip, Pinch, Shades, and Think modifiers, to give new and classic premium emotes a fresh new look. Subscribers will have access to one emote modifier filter for Tier 2, and two filters for Tier 3.

Finally, to help Affiliates and Partners shine a light on their higher tier supporters, we’re excited to introduce Badge Flair! Badge Flair lets Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers get instantly recognized in chat for their next level support. Badge Flair is a design overlay that decorates the sub badge in chat and is applied automatically when enabled by the creator. By default, Twitch will provide a subscription star flair icon on every Affiliate and Partner channel but creators can also design custom flair that matches their channel brand.

Together these new features will help creators reward Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers on Twitch with more ways to express themselves with little sustained effort to manage these new benefits over time. That’s what next level love looks like! 

To get started, creators can log into the Creator Dashboard to add, customize, and select the Tier 2 and Tier sub benefits on their channels. 

To learn more about Badge Flair, creators can read more here.

To learn more about the new emote slots and Modified Emotes, creators can learn more here.

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