Nov 13, 2019

More Twitch Partners, More Hype!

A streamer reaching Twitch Partnership is an occasion worth getting excited about. Streamers work hard to reach that point so there are often a lot of emotions involved when it finally happens! Every month we celebrate some of the newest streamers to achieve Partnership  So look for the following partners on the front page of Twitch for the next two days, stop by, and say hey! You can also see the exact moments they found out they were partnered by watching the video below. We’re not crying. You’re crying.

We asked several of these brand new Twitch Partners what they learned in their journey to partnership. Here’s what they told us in their own words:

  • How long have you been streaming on Twitch?

JoJ_: I have been streaming on Twitch for about twenty months.

AcolyteSynpai: I’ve been streaming on Twitch for about a year and a half, goofed off in college for a few months streaming League of Legends where I eventually cast and hosted tournaments. Eventually had to take a break to focus on my grades, but I returned about a year ago to take streaming seriously.

RunningMan: I’ve been streaming on Twitch since November 2016

Storymode Bae: I have been streaming on Twitch since January 2017.

Raxxanterax: I’ve been streaming on Twitch for 7 months.  Feels longer though since I stream every day!

LuxieGames: I have been streaming on twitch for just under 2 years!

  • What obstacles did you overcome in your journey on Twitch?

JoJ_: I’ve met some obstacles in my way, like having bad internet for a year and a half, couldn’t always keep my streaming schedule up because of that. But the most complicated was probably explaining to my grandparents what I was doing with my life ! hahaha

AcolyteSynpai: I’d say many of the obstacles toward Twitch partnership were mostly internal for me. Doubt or worry about trying things, about not being entertaining enough. Early there were technical blockades, like whether your computer could handle a game and the biggest heart breaking Beetle Juice amongst streamers: internet issues. Our Crab rave celebrations were technically an obstacle because the crab spam typically resulted in a small percentage of viewers crashing from chat and lurkers don’t always notice right away.

RunningMan: When I initially started streaming, there were a number of obstacles. Less than optimal technical equipment, a complete lack of understanding about what it would take to succeed as a content creator. I had family and friends that were quite the opposite of supportive.

Raxxanterax:  Learning to play a game at a high level while constantly checking chat and interacting with viewers can be difficult.  There’s no way to master it other than practice.

LuxieGames: I think the biggest obstacle in my way was myself, honestly. There was just a lot of nagging self doubt. I kept finding myself second guessing myself on everything from my schedule to my game calendar.

  • What was the hardest part of trying to achieve partnership?

JoJ_: I think the hardest part of trying to achieve partnership for me was to find my rhythm. Streaming the right amount and at the right time, in order to keep a healthy lifestyle and good mindset.

AcolyteSynpai: I think the consistency was the hardest part of trying to achieve partnership. It’s a lot of stress on the community everyone doing their part to support as best they can, even if they had to lurk at work. I think it’s even harder because as a content creator most understand they cannot hold their worth to a number.

RunningMan: The hardest part of trying to achieve partner for me was the self doubt, and the fear of failure. As a person who openly struggles with a number of mental health barriers, no matter how well things were going and no matter how hard I worked I always worried that it wouldn’t be enough or I wouldn’t be good enough. Forcing myself to keep pushing was the hardest part.

Storymode Bae: One of the hardest things about trying to achieve partnership is not worrying or stressing about numbers. Once I started getting closer and closer to achieving the Path to Partner goal, I started stressing out about maintaining that 75 viewer count average, which shouldn’t have been the focus. Once I stopped letting those numbers define me, and started focusing more about just having fun with my community again, that’s when I made Partner on Twitch, and it made it even more worthwhile for me.

Raxxanterax: Teaching yourself early on to not obsess over your streams numbers & analytics.  Place your focus on providing quality content and becoming the best streamer you can be.  The numbers will follow naturally after that.

LuxieGames: Achieving an authentic, consistent, and successful stream was hands down the hardest part of achieving partnership. I spent a lot of time trying hard not to get trapped in the popularity of a game so I could maintain my goal of variety streaming. It took a lot to curate a following of like minded, supportive, loving people. People who would show up at the end of the day because of me, and not the game.

  • How would you describe the moment you learned you got partner?

JoJ_: The moment I got partner was probably the most amazing stream I’ve ever had. It was during an in game special event, with a lot of hype, many friends, when suddenly all the twitch staff raided me ! They started spamming “welcome in Twitch family”, comments were flying all around “congrats” “you made it” … and I was there, wondering what was going on hahaha. Then I literally exploded with euphoria, even cried a little, I just couldn’t believe it !

AcolyteSynpai: The moment I got partnered can only be described as chaotically and frighteningly magical. I still cannot believe it, but I know I’ll always remember my heart racing faster than my thoughts like a celebratory coma experience.

RunningMan: I would describe the moment I learned I got partner as one of the most incredible moments of my life. If not for the births of my two AMAZING children, it would be an easy #1. The culmination of years of passion and hard work paying off so unexpectedly, more emotion that I can describe in words.

Storymode Bae: The moment I received Partner was absolutely insane. I had just started my stream about 10 minutes prior, and funny enough, it was also my birthday. Once the Twitch staff came in and raided my chat, and I finally saw the email, (thanks spam folder!), I felt so overwhelmed with love and emotion and support, I just couldn’t help but to ugly cry. Do I regret ugly crying on camera? Of course! But that was such an amazing moment, and being able to share that moment with my community that helped me make it this far, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. It took about a solid hour before the stream and chat started to calm down again after that!

Raxxanterax:  Overwhelming, as the Twitch staff raided my channel when it happened to congratulate me.  It was pretty epic!

LuxieGames: I would describe the moment I learned I got partner as surreal. It still feels surreal a week later. Thinking back on that moment feels almost dreamlike, and euphoric. It’s so hard to put into words how it feels to have literal years of hard work pay off, but the ability to call my mom and tell her I’d done it was one of the most incredible moments I’ve ever had.

  • What did you think about staff being in chat?

JoJ_: Twitch staff being in the chat to make the announcement is something you are not really expecting from such a big company, let’s be honest. It shows how much they care and are willing to help, it shows how well they understand the sacrifices you might have made, and most importantly, it shows that Twitch is one big family!

AcolyteSynpai: The only thought running through my head seeing the flood of Twitch staff was pure anxiety. It was like pushing up a lane with no wards and having a whole team collapse on your location only to surround you and dance or maybe more like a SWAT team that specializes in delivering cakes: a heart attack, in a good way.

RunningMan: Having staff show up for the partner raid increased the hype level by over 9000. I’d heard of staff raids, but I didn’t expect to be partner for quite some time and if I did make it didn’t think we’d be a big enough deal to warrant that sort of thing. A stream VIP gifting every staff that raided is something of a legend in our community now.

Raxxanterax: I love it when they’re there.  Makes me feel important any time I see the wrench icon gracing me with their presence.

LuxieGames: Having staff in chat tell me I had become a partner was INCREDIBLE. I’ll be honest I had no idea it was real, I remember saying it on stream a while ago “They actually do that?! They do it on stream?!” It felt like having my own personal cheering squad, and the ability to have my reactions on video are something I am going to cherish for the longest time.

  • What are your goals now?

JoJ_: My goals now are pretty much the same, only bigger than they used to be, making more friends, helping out more people, sharing more fun and happiness… While maintaining a peaceful place for everyone to chill at, with a warm and kind community.

AcolyteSynpai: My goal everyday I wake up is to strive to be better. I want to continue spreading smiles and sunshine and striving to make my community and other communities that support me proud. I’ve always dreamed of joining a team like Spacestation Gaming or Cloud 9, like my friends who inspired me, and going to events and just being able to reach people that feel alone at times. Being better than yesterday and changing the world through impacting lives of people you love on Twitch, there’s no greater feeling.

RunningMan: The sky’s the limit. I want to continue to grow and influence my community, and the communities around me. Many members of the community are affiliate streamers pushing for a future partnership, and mentoring and guiding them has become a passion project. I’d like to share my experiences with streamers in my network to help everyone fly as high as they can. I’d like to see us on the front page, like to see us at the top of whatever directory we’re currently visiting. I want it all! In due time.

Storymode Bae: Becoming a Partner is not the end goal for me, because it really feels like it’s only the beginning. I want to not only continue to build my brand with different opportunities, but more importantly, I want to inspire. I want other black women streamers to be able to see me on this platform and feel like they can do it too, and feel like they’re being represented in a positive way.

LuxieGames: I have so many goals now that it’s so hard to narrow it down to just one. I want to average over 200 viewers consistently, I want to have successful charity streams, and I want to host for Twitch at a convention!

Raxxanterax: Stream every day for 10 years.  7 months down, 113 to go.

  • What message do you have for streamers going for Partnership at Twitch?

JoJ_: If I would have one message to share with streamers going for Twitch Partnership, stay true to who you are, have fun, and share it with your friends.

Be as regular as you can, and treat your community the way you want them to treat you. At the end of the day, Twitch is all about sharing and having fun so… Be Twitch ;)

AcolyteSynpai: The message I have for people going for Partnership at Twitch is to remember you’re worth it. The numbers, the status, heck even the denials, can be tough, but you’ve got to remember you’re worth it. Don’t hang on to these things as your worth, you’ve got to value your content, love what you do, love your community and even more so, love you. Everyone’s journey is a bit different, but don’t ever lose your way, forget where you started or how far you’ve come in the pursuit of partnership

RunningMan: DON’T QUIT. If you’re not seeing results, ask for help. Find yourself a mentor! If you don’t want to go for a full blown mentor, find a friendly partner and ask them to be brutally critical of your content. They’re doing it because they love you and they want to help you succeed. Don’t be defensive, don’t let your feelings get hurt. The guys at the very top of the directory aren’t perfect, so why should you expect to be? Be humble, be receptive, be critical, be patient, don’t go too hard on yourself, and make sure everyone knows what twitch prime is and how to use it on my channel!

Storymode Bae: My biggest message for streamers striving to reach Partner is to not let the numbers define who you are as a content creator. While Partnership definitely takes hard work and dedication to achieve, it can become stressful constantly getting hung up over things like making sure your viewer counts are where you want them to be. Remember to focus on having fun and building a solid community, which should be the main reason we all started streaming in the first place! Once you focus on having fun with your community instead of numbers, it makes the moment you make Partner that much sweeter.

Raxxanterax: Be yourself.  Network. Stream games/content that you genuinely enjoy.  Be positive. Interact with your viewers. Work hard. Improve.  Study other streamers. Set goals. Stick to your schedule.

LuxieGames: Set achievable goals. Setting achievable goals at the beginning of each month is something I have always stayed steady in. Being able to look back on a month and say “I’m progressing” whether in tiny increments or giant ones means you are moving in the right direction. Keep reaching, and working, and you’ve got this! OH, and USE SOCIAL MEDIA! For the love of all purple check marks, use social media. Don’t just put out cookie cutter going live posts, be yourself and put your content out there! I can’t even begin to tell you how much my stream improved when I started utilizing the tools I had been ignoring.


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