May 25, 2017 - By Robin Fontaine

Moar Cheermotes, out now!

In case you’re late to the party, Cheermotes are animated versions of global emotes that work with Bits. Back in December, we introduced Cheermotes based on some of Twitch Chat’s most popular emotes, like Kappa, Kreygasm, and SwiftRage.

Today, we’ve added several more. Get hype.

When you use Bits in chat to show your support for Partners or Affiliates, you can choose if they appear as the Bits gems or as Cheermotes. We’ve noticed that about 30% of all Cheers now use Cheermotes, so we thought you might enjoy more variety.

Introducing the seven new Cheermotes to Cheer with on both web and our mobile apps, starting today: 4Head, PJSalt, MrDestructoid, TriHard, NotLikeThis, FailFish, and VoHiYo.

For a truly epic fail, a regular FailFish might not be enough. To use an epicly animated version, just type FailFish and the number of Bits you want to use, e.g. FailFish5000. An animated version of the FailFish emote will appear in chat. The higher the number of Bits, the cooler and more fail-icious the animation.

Burning Questions

Q. How do I use Cheermotes?

A. Just type the name of the emote and the number of Bits you want to use, e.g. VoHiYo10000. An animated version of the VoHiYo emote will appear in chat. The higher the number of Bits, the cooler and more complex the animation.

Q. Do Partners and Affiliates receive the same revenue for Cheermotes as when I use the regular gem emotes?

A. Yes, they receive the same revenue: 1 cent per Bit used in their channel.

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