Jan 25, 2016

Taipei Game Show 2016 Gets Bilingual

Ready for Taipei Game Show 2016? Did we even need to ask?

This week, the Taipei Game Show 2016 is kicking off at the Taipei World Trade Center in Taiwan. For the second year in a row, Twitch is the official broadcasting partner of the show, so if you can’t make it in person, we’ve got you covered. During the broadcast, you can expect exclusive new info on some huge titles like Street Fighter V, Final Fantasy XV, Tom Clancy’s The Division, and many more.

Twitch will be broadcasting content live from our booth (#C409) with hosts Bruce “GamerBee” Hsiang, Mobilmobil, Sixwong, and special guests AngryPug_ and itsHafu, bringing all the news and hands-on gameplay.

The entire broadcast and schedule will be available at www.twitch.tv/tgslive, and for the first time ever, there will be a simultaneous English translated broadcast on www.twitch.tv/twitch.

There will be no shortage of great content throughout the show, but here are a few highlights that you won’t want to miss on the Twitch stage:

Stage Highlights

  • 1/31 @ 2:00pm-3:00pm CST: Angrypug_’s Airborne Operation — Taiwan No.1!!!

  • 2/1 @ 11:00am-1:00pm CST: The first ever Speedrun Contest on stage, come and see Qttsix challenge his limits in Bloodborne.

  • 2/2 @ 11:00am-12:30pm CST: Hearthstone with itsHafu and friends

  • 2/2 @ 12:30pm-14:00pm CST: GamerBee’s new World Warrior on Street Fighter V

  • 2/2 @ 4:00pm-5:00pm CST: 2016 Taipei Game Show Wrap-up hosted by fan favorite Twitch broadcasters

Bring Home Hardware

Even if you aren’t enjoying TGS in person, you can still bring home some awesome prizes, just for watching. Join the Twitch #TGS Challenge for your chance to win a RAZER Prize Pack including a Razer BlackWidow Chroma, Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma, and Razer DeathAdder Chroma. Join the challenge here: link.twitch.tv/TGSsocial

Partner Meet & Greets

Over 60 of Twitch’s Top Partnered Broadcasters, including asiagodtonegg3be0, blusewilly_retry, and mobilmobil, will be making appearances at our booth throughout the show. We’ll also feature meet & greets with esports stars like MiSTakElolz, Xargon0731, dinterlolz, WTF_winds123, and Omaganis. They’ll all be signing autographs at our booth throughout TGS. Can’t make it in person? Each broadcaster will be giving away 25 signed autograph cards and Twitch t-shirts to fans via their Twitch channel or Facebook page!

(time zone: GMT+8)

RAZER Broadcaster Zone

Twitch is happy to partner with RAZER to bring you our RAZER Broadcaster Zone. Throughout the show, top Twitch broadcasters will be streaming live from our booth. Check out the full schedule below.


Wei81610 12:30–2:00

Angrypug_ 1:30–6:00

Ptken 2:30–4:00

Digiubb 4:30–6:00


Angrypug_ 12:30–6:00

itsHafu 12:30–2:00

Ptken & paul20fan 2:30–4:00

Himechar 4:30–6:00


Digiubb 12:30–2:00

OneBoxChen 12:30–2:00

Angrypug_ 2:30–6:00

itsHafu 4:30–6:00


ChrisOP999 12:30–2:00

Lulalalulula 4:30–6:00


j22548220 10:30–2:00

w84328 2:30–4:00

itsHafu 2:30–6:00

Lulalalulula 4:30–6:00


New to broadcasting? Want to take your stream to the next level? The NVIDIA EDU Zone is designed to show you the ropes and help you improve your broadcast. All visitors will also receive an exclusive Twitch TGS shirt after the lesson.

Even More Twitch Shirts

500 exclusive Twitch shirts will be available for purchase every day at TGS’s merch store. This shirt is not available for sale anywhere else in the world so get it while you can.

準備迎接2016年第一場遊戲盛宴了嗎? 迫不及待想知道《明日之子》,《拳皇XIV》,《快打旋風 5》,《FINAL FANTASY XV》,《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖》,《戰車世界》等遊戲大作和 HTC VIVE的最新開發動態?! 今年Twitch再次與台北電玩展攜手合作,絕對不能錯過Twitch主打最新人氣少男團體 — 小向(GamerBee)、老皮(mobilmobil)和 六嘆(Sixwong) 在大會官方頻道上將帶來既熱血又歡樂的展場實況。想熱血高喊Taiwan No.1或挑戰爐石競技場的朋友當然必看 AngryPug和美女戰神Hafu帶來的特別節目。

在哪實況? 2016台北國際電玩展 1/29–2/2 @ 台北世貿展覽館一館 Twitch位在C區409號,想感受“BleedPurple”魅力和 “Kappa”精神,來這裡就對了!可是寒流來襲不想出門? 沒問題!輕鬆在家也可以享受電玩展最精華最精彩的節目~ 不論是想掌握節目資訊或只是跟鄉民進來看熱鬧,記得Follow 台北電玩展官方實況頻道www.twitch.tv/tgslive,今年Twitch特別帶來即時中英語翻譯,想趁寒假學英文練聽力的同學們,歡迎搭配www.twitch.tv/twitch同步服用。

想升級嗎? 總覺得鍵盤卡卡、滑鼠不順、耳機不夠立體聲…等種種原因讓你無法獲得遊戲更高成就?只要在線上觀看TGSLive就有機會獲得獨家限定版Twitch品牌潮T,穿著有如神功護體,人氣Up;還可以參加Twitch #TGS 線上任務,抱回RAZER 電競週邊禮品組,裝備Up。 開啟任務通知: link.twitch.tv/TGSsocial

非看不可 除了製作團隊們帶來遊戲最新情報和開發秘辛,下列「Twitch出品 必屬佳作」的別企劃當然不能錯過~

  • 1/31 @ 2:00pm-3:00pm: 台灣No.1 — Angrypug的N1Z1跳傘任務

  • 2/1 @ 11:00am-1:00pm: 台灣Speed Run競速破關大師 — Qttsix首次公開挑戰衛冕《血源詛咒》世界紀錄

  • 2/2 @ 11:00am-12:30pm: 爐石女戰神Hafu首度來台,展現競技場女神風采,將與台灣的爐石高手們擦出什麼樣的火花呢?!

  • 2/2 @ 12:30pm-14:00pm: 格鬥遊戲世界冠軍-小向(GamerBee) 帶領大家進入《快打旋風 5》的格鬥新世紀!

  • 2/2 @ 4:00pm-5:00pm: 去年廣受好評的TGS閒聊Bar,今年將在展覽最後一天由神秘嘉賓帶大家回顧這次電玩展精華。

Partner Meet & Greets 希望與擁有數十萬追隨粉絲的超人氣實況主近距離接觸?想見識匯集340萬龐大粉絲支持的遊戲實況主們的魅力?Twitch邀集近60位國內外知名實況主親臨會場,只要到電玩展Twitch夥伴粉絲見面會 — 簽名、合照、Gank超人氣實況主們現場開台,三個願望一次達成!每場次每位實況主將與100位幸運粉絲交流,歡迎玩家們到現場show出你對遊戲實況的熱愛! 無法到現場也別難過~ 每位參與Twitch夥伴粉絲見面會的實況主將會各自送出25件Twitch潮T和專屬簽名卡,務必隨時follow你喜愛的實況主Twitch頻道或粉絲頁活動唷! *詳細活動資訊請參考Twitch Facebook粉絲頁,如有異動或更新,皆以Twitch粉絲頁公告為準

RAZER 名人實況區 除了來見面會,這些Twitch人氣實況主來到Twitch主場當然也要實況一下囉~ 官方預測在Twitch攤位的RAZER名人實況區將有下列實況主進行直播,當然,也很有極高機率可以在會場捕獲其他開台實況中的實況主,請務必隨時關注Twitch Facebook粉絲頁掌握最新動態!

1/29 薇薇Wei81610 12:30–2:00 台灣No.1 Angrypug_ 1:30–6:00 小溫Ptken 2:30–4:00 阿尼Digiubb 4:30–6:00

1/30 台灣No.1 Angrypug_ 12:30–6:00 Hafu itsHafu 12:30–2:00 小溫Ptken & DA paul20fan 2:30–4:00 曉玲HimeChar 4:30–6:00

1/31 阿尼Digiubb 12:30–2:00 陳老闆OneBoxChen 12:30–2:00 台灣No.1 Angrypug_ 2:30–6:00 Hafu itsHafu 4:30–6:00

2/1 大天神ChrisOP999 12:30–2:00 魯魯 Lulalalulula 4:30–6:00

2/2 頭哥 j22548220 10:30–2:00 皮皮 w84328 2:30–4:00 Hafu itsHafu 2:30–6:00 魯魯 Lulalalulula 4:30–6:00

Twitch x NVIDIA 實況教戰室 開台直況不再是個夢想!由Twitch實況高手貼身教學,人人都可輕鬆進階成為Twitch實況主,每日限定場次,只要完成修業就可以獲得限定版Twitch品牌潮T — 有穿有保庇,實況有人氣。

More Twitch Shirts 終於!!!終於在台灣可以買到Twitch週邊商品了! TGS限定版Twitch潮T,每日限量500件,只在TGS大會販賣部買得到,一年一度僅此一檔,還不來買個~

In other news
Jan 26, 2016

Twitch @ PAX South

It’s time to head south, for PAX South has arrived! And once again, Twitch is the official broadcasting partner of the show.
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Jan 22, 2016

Rooster Teeth Partners with Twitch for RTX Australia

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