Nov 16, 2015

Thumbnail Selection Available Now!

As we mentioned at TwitchCon, we know that you care about how your content looks. Today, we’re excited to take the first step towards improving how your VODs are presented and discovered on Twitch.

When you edit the details for your video, you’ll now be able to choose from four, random, auto-generated thumbnails. Initially, you will be able to select different thumbnails for past broadcasts only. We will continue to iterate on the feature and providing you with more customization options.

Thumbnails provide viewers with a glimpse into what your videos and channel are all about. When done well, these tiny pictures can impact whether new or existing viewers clicks to watch a video — and can ultimately be a powerful tool to help grow an audience for the entire lifecycle of your content.

To select a new thumbnail:

  1. Go to your Video Manager.

  2. Click Edit on any past broadcast.

  3. Select between four auto-generated thumbnails.

  4. Edit the remaining details for your past broadcast.

  5. Click Done.

Have an Editor helping with the management of your past broadcasts? No probs — they can select a different thumbnail, too! If you need further support about how this feature works, check out our FAQ.

Note: For clarity, we updated some of the language in the blog post at 5:22PM.

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