Nov 5, 2014

Following Games & Other Updates for Mobile

Starting today, you can Follow Games on iOS and Android just like web.

Once you follow a game, you can access it from our revamped “Following” section. This new view has three parts:

  • All your followed channels & games that are currently live.

  • A listing of all your followed channels.

  • A listing of all your followed games.

At any time, you can tap the heart icon on any game’s page to follow or unfollow it.

Notification Center Widget for iOS 8

For those running iOS 8, you have the option to install our widget for Notification Center. This lets you see what’s live — even from the lock screen. If you’re logged in, the widget will display top followed channels, and if you are not, it shows featured broadcasts.

Oh, wait. You’ve got an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus too? This update includes native support for your new device. The UI for iPhone 6 Plus now features three columns of games in the Directory, making it way easier to browse.

Broadcast Titles & More Shine for Android

Aside from Following Games, our Android update lets you see more info about the channels you like. The profile now includes bio info, number of followers, and total views. And, if you want to see titles for a specific broadcast, you can enable this feature app wide. Simply go to “Settings” and turn them on.

These new features are now available for iPhone, iPad and Android.

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