Oct 28, 2014

#killallzombies Features Chat Commands

With Halloween on the horizon, what better time than now to stream #killallzombies, a new horror game that launched today for PlayStation 4. It’s the latest in a growing list of games that utilize Twitch chat commands to affect gameplay.

Read all about the game and the dozens of different ways to use commands in Twitch chat on the PlayStation blog here.

If you see folks streaming the game, here are some cool commands you can unleash in chat: arena dongered, dealwithit, gieff death!, idkfa, dogwatch, wrong dongerhood, pewpewpewpew, raise your pitchforks!

I can’t tell you what they do, because then I would have to kill you (unless the command does that, which gets me off the hook). Also, each command requires a certain amount of mentions in chat before they come to life (or to death, if you use the right one). Are these play on words killing you? Well, if you play with some of these words, they might kill a zombie instead. Okay, I’m out of material, so go see if anyone is streaming it right now by visiting our #killallzombies directory.

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