Oct 9, 2014

Twitch Gives Broadcasters a 1-Up for Extra Life

Over the years, Twitch has been a huge supporter of broadcasted charity gaming marathons. One in particular, Extra Life, has been a massive success. During Extra Life’s organized National Game Day, thousands of gamers simultaneously partake in gaming for up to 25 hours straight, benefitting sick and injured kids treated at the 170 Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) hospitals across the United States and Canada.

This year, Extra Life is at it again. On October 25 (and again going for 24+ hours), gamers will play in efforts to raise money for the specific CMN hospital of their choice, and Twitch is ready to help #ForTheKids! Twitch’s goal is to be able to track all of the amazing work the community does to benefit Extra Life.

To do this, broadcasters can select their game title as “Extra Life”, allowing viewers to easily see who is taking part in the marathon. This allows casters to broadcast the entire marathon without having to change game titles (+1 for ease). As a viewer, you’ll be able to browse the Extra Life directory to switch between various broadcasters to watch all of the hilarious shenanigans that typically take place during a charity marathon, as well as discover some new channels to watch (and maybe even donate to each broadcaster’s goal).

Through these efforts, we can see how many people participate while broadcasting on Twitch, as well as how many viewers tuned in to spread the word about this amazing charity opportunity for the gaming community.

Broadcasters participating in the Marathon may display their game title as “Extra Life”

A side note about Extra Life: To protect our viewers, broadcasters raising money for Extra Life should have a link directly to their Extra Life page (i.e., http://www.extra-life.org/participant/)..) Broadcasters should not ask you to donate via a PayPal link. The best way to ensure your money goes directly towards the kids is to go through the Extra Life site.

If you prefer to watch Twitch and aren’t a broadcaster, you can still register for Extra Life to help local kids in your area. Registration is free and takes only to minutes.

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