Sep 18, 2014

Follow Games You Love

We’ve got another community-requested feature to deliver! Many of you requested the desire to follow a specific game. Thus, we bring you Following Games.

Now you can follow your favorite games just like you follow individual broadcasters. We think this will lead to new levels of discovery. By following a game, you could discover a new broadcaster, then follow them, and then the rest of your life is bliss.

To jumpstart your use of the awesome new feature, we’ve created a dialog that you can access from our main nav or the Following directory. From there you can select as many games as you want from a randomized list of popular games at the time. You can also navigate to any game’s directory page and click Follow to add that game to your list.

Once added, you can can access your followed games from the “Followed Games” section in the main nav or via your Following directory. It’s. Just. That. Easy.

We can’t wait to see how you’ll use this feature as it has already changed the browsing habits of a lot of us here at Twitch.

Happy following!

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