Jul 16, 2014

Mobile Web Channel Page Update

We want you to be able to watch Twitch from anywhere, regardless of the device you’re using. That’s why we decided to update our mobile web channel page.

Previously, when you visited any channel from mobile web, you’d be presented with a page that made it hard to watch a broadcast. It wasn’t optimized for mobile, it was hard to to click on links and it had elements that just didn’t work (like chat).

Starting today, this all changes. Our new mobile channel page has a cleaner, more focused design. The UI has been simplified to allow you to watch the broadcast you’re seeking seamlessly. And, if that channel happens to be offline, you can easily find similar live broadcasts to check out.

We’re particularly excited about this page’s potential to help our broadcasters increase viewership for their content. Many of your first time visitors will be coming from social media — clicking through on a link they see on their mobile device. This means that that the first interaction they have with your brand will occur on the mobile channel page.

If you’re looking for a fast and full featured mobile experience, make sure you download our iOS or Android app. But, if you don’t have either, it’s now possible to have a solid experience viewing a broadcast from mobile web, too.

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