Nov 18, 2013

PlayStation 4 Launch a Success on Twitch

We’re currently exiting the PlayStation 4 launch hype delirium and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the results. While some nay-sayers were anticipating our global infrastructure to be brought to its knees, we’re pleased to report that this post is not coming at you from the Twitch rapture thanks to the hard work and due diligence of our awesome engineering staff. Here’s a recap of everything you may have missed from the past week of PlayStation-induced insanity.

We celebrated the PlayStation 4 launch by swinging through the midnight release party, held at our local GameStop here in downtown San Francisco. Fans were lined up for hours to be among the first on the West Coast to own a PlayStation 4, and we rewarded them with some sweet Twitch swag:

We crashed the PS4 launch event in SF last night and put Twitch shirts in the hands of some shiny happy people

— Twitch (@TwitchTV) November 15, 2013

If you’ve somehow made it to our blog and are not yet aware of this, PlayStation 4 gamers can broadcast their gameplay direct to Twitch with no additional hardware or devices needed in a convenient push-button experience. How convenient is it? Mashable’s Chelsea Stark can demonstrate it in just six seconds:

We knew that everyone was going to want to see these PlayStation 4 streams for themselves, and so we released an update to the channels directory that allows you to see broadcasts being sent from specific platforms. For now, the only available option is PlayStation 4, but later this will expand to the Xbox One and beyond. You can see this directory for yourself by visiting

Once the press got their hands on the PlayStation 4, Twitch became one of the most discussed subjects. With live streaming being one of the most prominent innovations to the new crop of consoles, everyone wanted to know if it has lived up to the hype. The early results have most certainly impressed.

The built-in Twitch streaming on PlayStation 4 not only has everyone talking, but broadcasting as well! Suddenly, everyone can give Twitch a shot and we’ve seen plenty of folks who have never streamed previously from game journalists, to the co-creator of Penny-Arcade, and even the Sony President of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida:

Check out my broadcast of Knack from my PlayStation®4! #PS4live live at

— Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) November 14, 2013

We’re stoked at what we’ve accomplished so far, but we’re not stopping here. We’ll be working with Sony in the months and years to come to improve and enhance this feature to make it as great as possible. As always we welcome your feedback and would enjoy hearing your thoughts on the integration thus far and what you’d like to see in future updates.

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