May 24, 2013

Highlight Creation Tool Updates

We’ve been working on improving the experience of creating, sharing, and watching recorded content. To that end, we’ve revamped the highlight creation tool. If you’re not already familiar with this page, it’s where broadcasters and their editors go to edit past broadcasts into more watchable portions. Now you don’t have to hunt through a long broadcast to find and share an awesome moment that you missed during a live stream.

To access the tool, go to any of your past broadcasts, and click the gear button beneath the video player.

Only broadcasters and editors can highlight, but we are working on features to allow all viewers to share their favorite moments.

We’ve made improvements to the design of the page, and are experimenting with ways to help identify interesting content. Take a look:

Slide the yellow handles to choose where your video starts and ends. We’ve also included a graph of chat activity that occurred during the broadcast. Everyone remembers chat going crazy when something special happens on stream, and this graph will act as a landmark to help you highlight those events. Unfortunately, not all broadcasts will have enough data to make this graph useful, and in that case the graph will not be shown.

We look forward to your feedback as we continue to iterate on the tool!

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