Feb 14, 2013

Update #4 — Channel Page Beta

Hey, Twitch Broadcasters. We have a brief, but oft-requested feature that recently went live on the new Channel Page Beta. We’ve introduced dynamic title updates, and it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like.

This feature currently only works while viewing a channel on the new Channel Beta. As a broadcaster, simply update the title of your channel either in the Dashboard, or on the channel page itself. Your viewers will notice a slight highlight of the title as it changes instantly before their eyes. It’s magic! Or just fancy coding. Either way, this is one of those small, yet highly requested features that we’re happy to of sneaked out as we continue to work on more significant changes. The new channel pages offer us enhanced flexibility over the previous design, and we’re looking forward to showing this off to an even greater degree in the near future.

Update: Callagan on Twitter brought up a very important question that we forgot to address here. While dynamic title updates are great, can this support dynamic game updates as well? That is indeed the goal, and we’ll update you all as to the progress of that as soon as we can.

By now, you’ve probably noticed the newly redesigned directory. What you may not have noticed, however, is the greater emphasis on VODs. There’s the new “Browse Videos” section, sure, but did you know that you can also sort these by specific game using the directory? For example, let’s check out the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game directory on Twitch:

In the upper-right corner, you’ll notice a button that defaults to live video. Should you decide to select the “videos” button:

You’ll then be able to check out the most popular VODs for that title only. Now when you broadcast a game and make a highlight, there’s a greater opportunity to convert fans of that game into new viewers for you!

What do you think of all these changes? Do you watch VODs on Twitch, and do these changes help you discover new content? What would you like to see us do in regards to VOD discovery on the site? Share your thoughts and let us know!

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