Jan 30, 2013

FAQ: Call of Duty: Black Ops II Twitch Integration

We know you have a lot of questions regarding the recently announced Twitch in-game broadcasting with Call of Duty: Black Ops II. We put together this comprehensive FAQ that we hope will answer a great number of your questions, but please do feel free to ask some more! We’ll be responding to comments and updating the FAQ as we see fit.

Q. What are the limitations of streaming to Twitch from within Call of Duty: Black Ops II? As long as you have a sufficient internet connection, there are no limitations as to who can use this feature. Your channel will appear under the Call of Duty: Black Ops II game directory regardless of viewer count, partnership status or world region.

Q. What are the minimum bandwith requirements? We currently recommend a 3MB upload speed. Please note that this has nothing to do with your download speed. Please contact your ISP to learn more about your internet connection.

Q. Does this use my personal bandwith or the Call of Duty server bandwith? This absolutely uses the bandwith of your personal internet connection. You must have enough bandwith available to both play the game and broadcast to Twitch.

Q. Is this feature available worldwide, or is it US only? This feature is available worldwide on the Xbox 360, with PC and PlayStation 3 integrations coming in the near future.

Q. Which webcams are compatible with Twitch broadcasting in Call of Duty: Black Ops II? The broadcasting feature currently supports all Microsoft licensed Xbox 360 compatible webcams, including Kinect.

Q. Can I use a microphone while broadcasting to Twitch in Call of Duty Black Ops II? Absolutely! Any Microsoft licensed Xbox 360 compatible microphone will work. The microphone built-in to Kinect will work as well. Your audience will then hear everything you say.

Q. How do I hear audio chat from other players? You must enable voice to come through Speakers or Both, but NOT through your Headset-only. You can find this setting by pressing the Xbox Guide Button, scroll to the right and find Preferences, then click on Voice.

Q. What gameplay modes are available while broadcasting to Twitch? You can broadcast from League Play or Public Match only. Sorry, no Zombies.

Q. Why isn’t my viewer count updating? The viewer counter will update regularly, every 30 to 60 seconds.

Q. Why does my stream disconnect when I don’t want it to? The streaming feature will disconnect when you manually leave a lobby or game in-progress and return to the main multiplayer screen. So don’t quit games!

Q. What is Twitch? Twitch is the leading video platform and community for gamers with more than 23 million visitors per month. We want to connect gamers around the world by allowing them to broadcast, watch, and chat from everywhere they play.

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